⛩ This website is funded in part by my good buddy MARIO and in whole by the KISHIDA DYNASTY ⛩
Things have calmed down since I smashed into the curb, today I made a really wicked stirfry, it tasted really dirty and garbagy but in a really good way... I hope when I'm old and in some nursing home or whatever they still let me cook. Maybe I'll have my own house by then? Who knows ¯\_(-_-)_/¯ bearable. 08/23/24 |
I was biking with my dad to visit the great river in our city. It's a very long, very thin, national park. It's beautiful. On the way there, I accidentally braked (broke?) too hard and scraped my hands, knee, and hip. It was the first time I had been scraped in years, and I was bleeding. Not too much, just a little. It felt scary for a moment. Then I realized, I could change how I felt about it. I decided that the pain felt good, and that I needed the pain, after going to long without getting hurt. And you know what? It didn't hurt less, but it was more... bearable. 08/14/24 |
Nothin' much! Went to the library to check out some music CDs. The one I'm listening to right now is total garbage. It's hilarious. I thought it'd be cool 'cause it had hirigana on it. It's British music. bait and switch lol 08/13/24 |
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